Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Job Application

Yesterday I filled out a job application. The blurb on the company website stated: "(deleted to maintain confidentiality) focuses on creating and maintaining a workplace of choice, where its people are recognized and valued. We focus on creating a workplace where people enjoy the challenge of their career, create and engage in best practices and are treated with respect."

Damn, I really want to work for a company that recognizes and values its employees. Where I can go and be treated with respect.

Wish me luck!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Toe up socks - ugggg

well, it seems that although I do prefer to knit my socks toe-up, they sometimes do not work for me.

For instance, I've been knitting socks for my youngest daughter. I finished a pair, but they were a little too big in the foot area, so decided to rip the toe out and re-do it. That's fine, a little fiddly... but do-able. BUT, I didn't like the fix. In fact, I hate the fix so much that I may just rip it out again to redo it.

So, I started a new pair. Just finished the heel, and am now working on the leg pattern, and at the last fitting, the foot section is AGAIN too long for her foot. So, I'll have to rip the toe out and re-do it again.

What the hell is going on here? Why can't I do a sock toe-up???

Sunday, September 12, 2010


hmmm, some comments I received were great, some mentioned it's halloweenish because its orange.... go figure.

Anyway, I love it. I love the orange. I love the beads. I love the size of it.

Galaxy comes to life

Well, it took me almost a year from start to finish, but it was worth it.

Introducing .... In the Pink. A beautiful design by Izzy - http://izzysknits.blogspot.com/

In the Pink

The joining of the pieces was the most difficult part of this project (for me anyway) and stalled this out for a very long time. The actual knitting probably took 6 weeks or so.