Tuesday, April 28, 2009

School - accepted.

My son has been accepted at the alternative school near me. What a huge weight that was, worrying about where he was going to go... worrying about this when I have enough on my plate to worry about. Anyway.... he's got a school to go to, and I'm quite happy about it. He went on a 'student shadowing', and said it looked interesting, and that everyone seemed nice, and that it was much more 'hands on' and the students were treated with alot more one-on-one. They have a swimming program also, so he's quite happy about that as well. :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

School problems

My son is in a Junior school. This means that it only goes up to grade six. We've applied him to the nearest neighbourhood school, but recently found out that he is number 18 on the waiting list. We are literally 3 houses away from the cut off making that school his home school. Our 'home' school is 18 blocks away! This one is 5.

So, this weekend I had my son working on 2 projects so that we could apply to an 'alternate' school in my area. Why an 'alternate' school? Because the only schools in my 'neighbourhood' are horrendous! One is 1 block away from a mental institution, and the other closest one is in an area that is in the news on a monthly basis due to gang violence, shootings and drugs. Don't get me wrong, I do realize that our world is a dangerous place to be, but that doesn't mean I want my children to be put in harm's way. He's only 11 years old. I don't even go to these neighbourhoods! And I'm supposed to send my son to them on a daily basis? Also, since neither are his neighbourhoods, he hasn't grown up around the problems that are part of those neighbourhoods.

Anyway, please cross your fingers that he gets into this alternative school. Because if he doesn't, I dont' know what we're going to do.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I'm depressed. So, I've been sitting here in my favorite chair in my livingroom. Knitting, reading and watching tv. I did go out to the library yesterday as some of my knitting books came in (all Debbie Bliss), but otherwise, I don't feel like doing anything.

My 11 yr old son is away this week on a school related excursion. So it's just my youngest daughter and hubby here at home. Daughter and I have been reading the Brambly Hedge books as I'm knitting her one of the families from the story and thought she should have some of the background on them. Which reminds me, I really should finish Dusty Dogwood up. He's about 95% complete. I just need to put him together.

I've also picked up my Cable Luxe again. I ripped back to the pick up row on the body and figured out how to pick up enough sts (by picking one up in each space, as well as in every 2nd row space as required - so picking up over 2 rows, instead of just over the first row). It's coming along nicely.

Plus I've started some baby stuff for a friend of mine who is expecting in August. I bought some Bernat Handicrafter cotton, and am working on a bib in 'KeyLimePie', plus I'll do some booties and scratch mitts. I've also picked out an outfit to knit, just looking for the yarn now. :)

I've also been working on a sweater coat. It has some of the most beautiful cables at the back! But it will probably not be done until the fall, it's such a big project.

Also, I've got the cabled purse that I started a couple months ago.... I have to work on that again....

Well, I've got the time now...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Two Weeks Notice

I'm working on a one year contract, assisting 2 Vice Presidents in a very large company, taking over for a Maternity leave. I started in October, so I'm 6 months into it.

There is another lady who was hired as well to cover a Maternity leave last April. She could not pull her weight looking after the 3 Reps she was hired for, and so they had to hire again to cover one of the Reps. Anyway, everyone of the other assistants in the office was happy that her year long contract was supposed to be up this month when the fulltimer comes back, as she's quite difficult to get along with.

But, guess what? My boss called me in on Monday to advise me that they were going to cut my contract short! He told me it had nothing to do with me, that they were very happy with my work and everything, but that once the maternity leave returns, there will be too many girls and not enough work. So, I'm done.

Unbelievable, I'm so pissed. Why are they keeping the other contract who has problems with all the girls?? It's because she is a kiss-ass to two of the Reps and for some reason they are completely blind to her antics.
