Saturday, November 29, 2008

pink chicken...

I went to a training session at work on thursday... learned quite a bit on an application that I'll use alot, was given lunch.... mid-way through my chicken I noticed a really red vein... looked closer (under the florescent lights) and noted that the chicken I was eating was quite pink... like raw pink... this was the middle of the chicken.... so I had eaten half of this chicken piece, but didn't actually eat any of the raw pieces........ but I still got terribly sick from it...

barfing all night thursday night from about 3 hours after eating it,... also diarrea.... still went into work friday morning... (i'm on a contract... not paid salary... paid hourly, i have to go in)... was still sick, but was drinking water at work... and running to barf.... I ended up speaking to my boss around lunch time about feeling ill, (he was not in the office) and he told me to go home... so i did. took the bus up the street, got off to barf... took the streetcar home.....

today, i feel better.... i've been cleaning, i've been doing laundry, i've been knitting a gnome..... and i've been resting...


Saturday, November 8, 2008


I'm hooked! I finished my Evangeline Fingerless Gloves..
Photobucket Photobucket

and have started a couple others...
I'm finished the left, just have to do the right one now - these will be for my youngest daughter for christmas...

and these ones were k2,p2 rib for 4", then a different cable design which I changed for a couple twisted cables...
although it's hard to see the 2 cables in the image, they are there...

and a moebius (neck warmer with a twist) in the matching yarn...

I've also been researching a pattern that calls for the design of: twisted cable, p1, nosegay, p1, twisted cable. I'll post some images on my ravelry site later tonight if I end up working on this today.

So much to knit, so little time.... :)

Plus, I want to make 6 of Alan Darts Gnomes. I've already bought the yarns needed, and a bag of dried beans to replace the beans called for in the pattern.